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Timothy Wheeler
Nov 23, 20201 min read
Compression Dos & Don’ts
To wrap things up regarding compressors, I will offer 3 Dos and Don’ts as my final word for now. These are things to always keep in mind...

Timothy Wheeler
Nov 12, 20201 min read
Compressors – What is the Knee and What does it do?
As you get better with compressors, you will start playing with other knobs and features. One of these is the knee. The knee refers to...

Timothy Wheeler
Oct 21, 20202 min read
Compressors 201 – Threshold
A compressor has a lot of knobs and settings. They can be confusing at first. In this blog I am going to talk about one of those knobs –...

Timothy Wheeler
Oct 13, 20202 min read
Compressors 101 – the Basics (part 1)
Compressors seem to confuse a lot of people in the beginning, they certainly did me! Here is some helpful information concerning using a...
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